The second half of life..

By twigs

The wake-up walk.........

I woke this morning at 5.45 and was down at the beach for an early morning stroll by 6.40. Bliss!

Now I'm no early morning person, but things seem to have been changing a little recently. Not sure if it's the impending return to work that's playing on my mind and disturbing my sleep patterns or just a change in me generally but I have been enjoying these early starts. I wonder how long they'll continue?

This chap and his faithful companion (who does have 4 legs, despite what the shot seems to say!) walked past me and they just looked so serene and peaceful.

Continuing on the serene and peaceful theme, I'm looking forward to getting back to the meditation sessions I began late last year, re-starting again tonight. It will hopefully put my mind at ease about tomorrow.......

Have spent today looking back over the past year and the changes in me and considering the question of 'where to from here?'. I knew when I took the year off that I wouldn't return to work as the same person I was (otherwise what was the point of taking the year off??) but I never imagined just how significant some of the changes might be. It's almost as though last year was the first revolution of a huge wheel, and now the wheel has gained some momentum, it wants to keep on rolling forward. My fear is that I'll get back to work and the anaesthetic of the structured work day will numb me into the old repetitive patterns - I'm going to have to work hard to make sure that doesn't happen.

It feels like the year's leave wasn't a 'break' - it was the key that unlocked the door to the start of a new journey........

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