Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Last Sunset of April

For "date night" we enjoyed the "sunset special" menu at Amelia's and had Italian dinner for two on Balboa Island (while Bob dog stayed in the car).

Then, over the Back Bay at Newport Beach the sun set for the final time in April. It's muted and soft behind a cushion of clouds, as I wonder how April could be gone. It's the first month this year that ends on the 30th.

So that I could capture a blip, Mr. Fun stopped the car near the curb, which is right next to the bicycle path--the path that many times we have cycled to the ocean's edge. The sun's final farewell conjures a fanfare of memories for me.

That bike path goes right past the Hyatt Newporter--a fabulous resort facility. The place where many years ago we surprised Mr. Fun's parents for their 50th wedding anniversary by gathering our family for a close intimate evening meal where each of us shared some special memory with Grammie & Grandpa Fun!

It's also the place where Mr. Fun & I have over-nighted for many of our own anniversaries (pinching ourselves and giggling that we've lasted another year, that we're still best friends, that we've beat the odds that predicted our chances at 15 & 19 were a million to one--instead we've been the one in a million! Wow! So we raise our faces heaven-ward to mouth our heart-felt thank YOU to the Creator). If the anniversary moment is exceptionally blessed, our hotel room opens to the wedding gardens where we nonchalantly get to be uninvited guests to an afternoon wedding. As far as I am concerned, seeing a bride is always a sign of blessing. And if you know me, you know that I love weddings.

Enough memories for tonight!

This evening the water in the Back Bay looks surreal, but honestly it is bay water at low tide. Off the right side of the photo just about a mile is the pristine campus of UC Irvine and a little farther to the right is the always busy Orange County Airport. I have one photo with a huge jet gaining altitude after take-off and I have another photo with Bob dog looking at the sunset with us. Three months ago on the last day of January I blipped with a little bit of Bob dog in the photo, so I think I'll do the same this evening. Because, after all, everyone has seen an airplane in the sky, but not everyone has seen Bob dog! (And he commented on my blips this past weekend when I was gone from home and in the Pacific Northwest.)

Well for the last time this April, I'll say good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Bob dog), aka Carol

P.S. For a look at one of today's fabulous blips--one that puts a new definition on napping--I recommend this one by Brown Bear Bloopers.

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