
By shy

prattling about

... so I says to mrs drake I says can you believe the price of bluddy fish nowadays three pound a pound and not the best quality neither I says I blame it on that dodgy fishmonger you know the one with piles and the gammy leg thats married to that little floozy - the fishmonger not the leg - and she gives him the runaround something rotten and he cant chase her on account of his leg and she spends all his money so he has to put up the prices of his fish and there isnt another fishmonger for miles because you decided this was a nice area to live but you never thought about my needs you selfish duck all you wanted was to be close to the pub well let me tell you you will become an alcoholic just like your poor father god rest his soul he was a waste of bluddy time but at least he dived in the pond and got free fish which is more than you would ever do if you had told me you were allergic to water I wouldnt have even thought of marrying you.... are you listening to me ???

yes dear

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