Pencillin' Ink...

Mrs TFP is getting a tattoo for her birthday. She asked me to do designs for her and Mrs Black Mark.

This is the design in progress for Mrs TFP's tattoo.

I'm still have mixed feelings about this. Not about her getting the tattoo done but just my involvement in it. A design I've done being indelibley marked onto someone's skin. I guess I just couldn't have the artistic self confidence to score this out as a career.

I've never thought of myself as being a good drawer. I can copy things quite well and add my own slant onto things I copy, doing modifications but I can have trouble coming up with what I class as true originality.

That said, I was very happy with the carnation on this which was more or less of my own design. The rose is not a straight copy but I did a rough copy the other day of a pencil drawing then did this one from memory with my own slant.

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