
By sleepyduck

It's over

Yes, I know that's a Roy Orbison song, but I can't think of any Beatles songs to go with this blip.

I first blipped Beatles Week on the 5th of May, at which time I remarked that I thought it had already been Beatles Week for about a month. It was still Beatles Week last Friday. So it seems as if Beatles Week lasted about two months, give or take a week or so. Quite impressive.

I was looking forward to finding out what would replace Beatles Week. Stones Month perhaps (which would last for the rest of the year) or maybe Oasis Hour (which would be very convenient for Rae Macintosh, as they could just tippex over any unsold Beatles songs and nobody would notice the difference).

But no. We get Musical Allsorts. Which is, to my mind, a little feeble. But at least I can now stop obsessing about Beatles Week, as can those of you whose minds are as twisted as mine. I won't obsess about Musical Allsorts. Oh no. Of course I won't.

I saw two Leprechauns on a tandem today. They were too far away for me to blip. I hope somebody else caught them :-)

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