Get Me ...

I can not believe I have been on Blip for two whole years today, what an amazing place to be.

GET ME ...

I have never stuck to anything like this before alone on a daily basis and for so long.

A BIGGGGGGGG HUGGGGGGE THANKYOU to JOE and the rest of the BLIP CREW, you are all the best.

And not forgetting you great BLIPPERS, I love being part of this great community, I love you all. I have had some really good times and some bad times through my journal over the past two years and you have been there for me, it means so much.

I Thank everyone of you great blippers.

Love Tracey xxx

WOO HOOO another beautiful red balloon for me.

BTW ... this was taken through my mirror, I had to write backwards, now that was hard to do, haha.

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