
By scintilla


A fun activity that we occasionally do as a family is geocaching. It's a great way to discover new areas, and it doesn't hurt to gain competency in using a handheld GPS unit for trekking in the woods. The geocache entry that we visited is called River Song. It was a tough find because the GPS signal was marginal there due to a cliff at the edge of the river. I slipped, tore my pants, and picked up a nasty bruise on my shin from a rock.

It turns out that the geocaching link to River Song is valid only to registered geocachers. A lot of you expressed an interest. Here's the link on the geocaching website that describes it. You should know that this activity goes on worldwide. I would hazard to say that there geocaches within minutes of any of you. For instance, I count obout 400 caches within 20 miles of Edinburgh (site chosen in deference to our blip creators).

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