
By Chook

Pigeons, fighting cats and vertigo

Beautiful sunny day in Izmir. After a lazy breakfast, we visited the Agora - a massive old Roman ruin, then wandered through the bazaar to the waterfront and the Konak Meydani. Köfte for lunch at a little cafe in the bazaar, then a long walk back to the hotel, getting well and truly lost in the winding streets on the way. Arrived back very hot and sweaty, so shower and siesta before being woken by the call to prayer at the mosque in time to head out again before dark.

For the evening, we headed out of the city centre to the Jewish area of town. We got an old 19th century elevator up to the Asansör Restaurant. It sits on a 50m high cliff one street back from the water, affording spectacular (but vertigo-inducing for me... not so good with heights) views. Quick stop there for çay, then a wander round the streets on the hill behind, then back to the restaurant for a lovely dinner. Quite taken by Turkish food so far!

Blipping over the next few weeks will be an interesting challenge. Haven't brought my laptop with me, so they'll all be straight out of the camera. No cropping, no processing... at all. This one is from the Konak Meydani. Plenty of families out enjoying a Sunday morning walk.

Off to Ephesus tomorrow.

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