Morph Boys ...

Aaron and Kieran went to school and college this morning they came home looking like this, haha.

Must have been something they ate.

This is Aaron, Kieran's and their friend Jonno's new craze at the moment ... morph suits, their friend Jonno has a blue one he ran across the Kings Lynn football match two weeks ago and was seen in the EDP paper, all the players were laughing except for the odd steward here and there, especially the one who dived for Jonno and fell over, Aaron was there with him he said he couldnt stop laughing and the crowd was cheering Jonno all the time and laughing.

Haha, I shouldnt laugh but it looked so funny to see him in the paper here is Jonno if you want a right good laugh.

Now dont tell me that isnt funny, haha.

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