A thousand new paths

By acc

BBC writersroom

It was snowing quite a lot today so I chose to work from home (which is not something I could do in my last job!). G and I went out at lunch time and tried out our Yaktrax. They are 'a light duty traction device for winter safely on packed snow and ice'. They're a hit with me. I felt much more secure walking around.
We went to the post office and finally posted episode one of the sitcom we've been writing to the BBC. There aren't a lot of places to send scripts if you're not an established writer and the BBC will only look at your work once so if it's rejected, that's it. But we've worked hard on it and we think it's funny. Let's hope other people do too!
We had lunch in the cafe and then walked back home in the snow. It's stopped now but the sky looks awfully white still.

Learn how to be happy with what you have while you pursue all that you want. Jim Rohn

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