Fields of Cold

Worked from the West Lothian office today (ie; at home) as the trains are still off because of some frozen/broken points. Quite lucky that I can do that rather than battle the combined elements of freezing temperatures, public transport and surly staff.

One of the BIG plusses of being able to work from home is that if the weather looks good and I've got enough done (or feel like working more later) I can pop out for a walk.

Try it out larger!

It was beautiful as the sun was going down today. Cold. Very cold. But stunningly beautiful. I took a wander through some of my favourite fields (I didn't know until a couple of years ago that it was possible to have a 'favourite field') and snapped away and sucked up the bracing/refreshing air.

Pizza + salad + red wine on the way :-)

Rejects from my wander:

Reject 1: White Track & Filed (would you believe this is the same track & field?)

Reject 2: A long walk to pee against a pole

Reject 3: Picture Postcard

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LOTD: Sea Urchin's misty snowy blip is beautiful - love the colour of the sky and the all the white.

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