La vida de Annie

By Annie

No COPD!!!!!!!

Hospital tests the other day showed no signs of COPD! Yesterday I went to my GP to kick some ass over why precisely he'd led me to believe I did have it, and consequently spent the last 2+ weeks in a living hell, every bit of research into the condition making it worse. He just smiled encouragingly and said "but that's GOOD news!" Aaaargh.

Learning I DON'T have a life-threatening illness is almost as traumatic as being told I DID have it, strangely. I had just about come to terms with it, going through the denial/anger/strategies etc phases, and reached a kind of acceptance and determination to not let it affect me at all. I immediately signed up for a local version of this year's Race For Life, which raises funds for breast cancer (my mum had that), and joined a gym to get fit enough to do it in June. Now I feel a total fraud, after so many lovely and encouraging comments both on here and privately; I feel I've let everyone down. Whatever's wrong with me is not imaginary and is still there; more tests to come. It is however unlikely to be as serious as I thought, and may even be caused by "just" stress, which I have masses of.

Phew. Now to get on with the bellydancing....

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