Mrok's photo of the day

By Mrok

Brooks England Ltd

"Genuine leather saddles are the most comfortable available for long-distance or hot-weather cycling." writes bearded biking guru of the internet world. Who? Sheldon Brown of course.

During the last few years I have replaced all the modern and hip saddles from my bikes with a leather ones from company called Brooks England Ltd. In the photo above you can see one of them on my reliable gentlemans bike, Pelago Bristol, having a short break from my daily commute to the office. Spring is in the air, sun is shining and the snow is melting..

It is true what they say, these leather saddles are really the most comfy saddles you can find on this planet. Naturally right after the run-in period. Yes, it might take a few thousand km's or miles for a saddle to break in. Or even few years depending of the leather used and the shape of your a**e. It may even last forever..

"Man is willing to tolerate huge amount of pain to achieve small dose of comfort".

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