Considerable Comfort.

I thought of several titles for this blip - the first was "Cat in a Bag" because, clearly it is a cat in a bag. Then it was going to be "Not Just any Cat" because it is (of course!) a Marks and Spencer's bag.

(For those of you overseas, the store's recent advertising campaign has used the "this is not just any food, it's Marks and Spencer's food type slogan. Apparently, it's on the way out. It will be sorely missed.

I suspect the demise of the ad campaign may have had something to do with the many spoofs that are now to be found on the net though. If you're interested you can find a couple of examples here and here).

Anyway, the cat in a bag story - I wanted to try overlaying text - so here is the final result a cat in a bag - with text that reads "considerable comfort will be afforded". Dunno about that, but I do know it's their favourite game of the moment!

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