Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren

Back in the Hospital.

Bit of an eventful day yesterday.

Joe didn't sleep and wasn't eating so (as told) we called the Midwife to see what to do, she sent someone out to give him the once over. They decided to just send us into the Special Care Unit for a check as they looked a little bit Jaundice.

When we got there Joe was actually OK, little cold i.e. not regulating his own temp very well but other than that fine. Nia on the other hand was extremely Jaundice. Instantly they put in an IV and had her on triple lamps.

She responded well and was off the lamps by this morning. They are keeping us in tonight just be sure and we are now topping up their breast milk with some formula to keep the fluids going.

Should be home tomorrow.

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