
By m-a-h

No train for you

Earlier tonight I went to a railway bridge to blip a passing train on a long exposure, I thought that'd be fun. When I arrived it turned out I'd forgotten my tripod. Oops.

Fortunely, the bridge is actually over a canal and a road and using the fencing, I could blip that without a tripod. I had to wait about 20 minutes for it to get dark enough to take a shot like this. The first one actually failed because a train passed, making the bridge shake so much the shot was all blurry :D I'm happy with the result, it probably turned out better than the train would have. Plus I get to have another go at the train in the near future. Let's hope I don't forget my tripod then.

edt: Eeks! The downscaling makes the noise in the clouds a lot worse, let me go see whether or not I can fix that..

edit2: Theeere we go :)

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