Nantcol waterfalls near Llanbedr

It poured with rain in the night, so heavy that it woke me up. I thought oh no here we go again. Spent a week in June on the island in the worst weather ever.

It was short lived I'm glad to say and the day turned out gorgeous. The RAF from Valley on Angelsey treated us to several fly bys, great to watch them. After high tide took a trip over into Llanbedr and up to the waterfalls at Nantcol where there is also a campsite. Fantastic place so beautiful. Very quiet falls but as you can imagine they are dramatic after a lot of rain.

Great place to go walking. Back to camp and made curry for tea and again chilled out listening to the sea. A very clear night, lots of stars and great lying there looking at the milky way.

Island is getting busier due to the end of the week

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