Ingunn in Oslo

By IngunnInOslo


Take a good look at this man. He is one of the greatest and most famous Norwegian contemporary artists, with also international success. In Norway he has a special place in our hearts.

Keep on reading! I promise you this is a fascinating.

In 1998, he was homeless, living in street and a heavy drug addict. On the coldest day that winter, he wrote under a contract with his agent and secretary that made him loose all his paintings painted from the age 12 until that day. That is art worth 30 000 million Norwegian crones! That's a lot of money for a warm bed and to be taken care of. In 2008 he won in court, and has made a compromise with his greedy agent.

Pushwagner now has his own gallery in Oslo. I have been working so much, so I didn't know. I just saw this gentleman alone outside the gallery, and could not believe my eyes! I asked if I could take a picture. He put his vodka bottle down and said yes if I promised him that I would direct him so that I didn't have to take many pictures. So I moved him into the shadow and took 3-4 shots, and asked if I should send them to him. He looked at the result and was shocked. He dragged his suit into my face and asked with great frustration if I could not see it was an Armani! It had cost him 12 000, and he had never ever been wearing clothes like this before. He ordered me to take a new pictured and pointing at his shoes. So I laughed and promised him that the shoes would be in the pictured too. It made him so pleased and thrilled to get a photo in his great outfit.

After I could not believe what I just had experienced, I was so happy, so excited, so proud and so grateful. I smiled all the way back home and the world kept smiling back to me. Blipping is so FUN!

Thank you, Mr. Pushwagner. You made my day!

EDIT: I got an email from Pushwagner. He loved the photos. He didn't expected that a stranger would actually send them to him. It gave me thoughts that he is not used to people keeping their words, and I'm grateful that I could not only give him the photos, but give him a good experience that people are for real and can be trusted.
I just read in the newspaper that a painting is stolen from him. It was 1,80 m so that could not be easy with guards around!

The link to his page Pushwagner

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