
By scintilla

Joanne, Tasha, and the Winnebago

I love my Macs, but I have to say that I have have had various episodic printer problems on two different Macs with two different printers which wasted many hours and on one occasion precipitated a sooner than desired operating system upgrade. Last night, I wasted two hours screwing around with printer drivers and 3rd party software to fix printer problems with Macs. I was extremely close to reinstalling the operating system, but I finally produced useable copy. The gee whiz printer interface software no longer works, and I get some startup program error every time I boot up that I can't get rid of, but at least I don't have to throw the printer out the window. Anyone the says Macs are 100% trouble free are f**king liars. Net sum, I still like it more than a PC.

I went to Lowes (a large home improvement store for our non-US friends) to pick up some stuff to clean out the gutters with now that most of the leaves have fallen. On my way out to the car, I spotted this unique somewhat aged Winnebago. I thought it would make a nice blip so I fired off a few shots. As I was getting back into my car, the owner named Joanne said I shouldn't take photos of it until it's "done". She said the vehicle was fading and looking dull, so she started this paint scheme recently. The drivers side is indeed a uniform faded flat white. I asked if she would pose in front of her masterpiece for my blog (I didn't feel up to explaining what blip is). As she posed, her dog Tasha graciously posed in the passenger seat for me as well.

Although the vehicle is interesting in it's own right, the blip was greatly enhanced in my mind by including a new friend and her dog. This foray into photographing strangers is certainly not as daring as much of Kamran's work, but it's a little on the brave side for me considering my own shy demeanor (I'm hearing my brother, daughter, and Chaos laughing).

Since Joanne works at Lowes, she told me to keep an eye out in the parking lot for her finished work.

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