Skip's Blips

By Skip

NorEastOhio blipmeet day 2

Our Northeast Ohio blipmeet continued this morning when I met Deb and Sam for breakfast and lots of conversation, blip-related and otherwise. The food was super, and the conversation was even better. Then we drove north to the park where I do most of my blipping. If you follow my journal, you know about the deer, the birds, and the sledding hill staircase where I broke my shoulder in January. We had a great walk through the park and even saw a doe and fawn frolicking (there's no other word for it) in the field near the picnic area and playground. Oh, and we stopped briefly in our little downtown area, where you can see Deb and Sam on the steps of the bandstand and Deb blipping the Civil War cannon. We had a brief, but serious, discussion on the merits of improving your balance so you don't fall and hurt yourself, and I blipped Sam demonstrating some exercises for better balance. Since I am the one who has fallen five times and broken my arm, wrist, and shoulder, I'm the one who should take Sam's pointers to heart. Thanks, Sam! And thanks, Deb, for getting on that plane and flying to Ohio to meet with us. In my estimation, the first ever NorEastOhio blipmeet was a huge success.

Did we take lots of pictures?
You bet we did.
Did we enjoy plenty of good conversation?
You bet we did.
Did we share funny stories and laugh a lot?
You bet we did!
Are we better friends because we had this blipmeet?
You bet we are!

Thanks, Blipfoto, for being the kind of supportive and caring community that makes it possible for people to share their stories (and we all have stories to share) and to learn how we are alike, how we are different, but how much we truly have in matter where we live.

NorEastOhio blipmeet-day #1 is here!

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