
I tried to get pictures of the whole bunch of us but none of them came out right. We all went to dinner at Abby's Pizza and even though there are only a small percentage of us here we filled it up! Seven more showed up today. A large group of young families went to "Rain Rocks" up the Siuslaw River. We used to go there when my third daughter was small and my two older ones (10 and 12) wanted to swim and catch crawdads. The rocks there have large holes in them so I would set my one year old inside of one of the larger holes with toys and a blanket so that I would be able to watch my older daughters, too!

Other family members stayed at our lake house, and we opted to go visit with them. It was the first time I have been in the house and just sat down and relaxed in it. We have been working so hard to fix it up! It was nice to just enjoy it.

At 6:30 we all met for dinner and non-stop talking, hugging and laughing. It was great to see the cousins grouping up and enjoying each other so much. This picture of four of the younger ones was my favorite. We are having a wonderful time!

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