Carlisle to New Lanark

Sorry, a combination of tiredness (I'm usually in bed by 9), long days in the saddle, needing to get an evening meal cooked and lack of 3G network coverage or wifi is making it very hard to find time to blip properly.

This is the first house across the border into Scotland, which I crossed early today at Gretna. This is traditionally the place that English couples elope to to get married though I'm not sure why - perhaps the marriage laws were/are easier in Scotland?

I asked on Twitter if anyone wanted ho marry me but didn't get any offers (even from my current partner - she says she's given up asking!). Oh well.

Most of the day was a long cycle up an old A road, now classed as a B road (since the motorway was built) from Carlisle to near Lanark. This made it easy to cover a lot of miles - I stopped for refreshments at Lockerbie - though some of the road surface left a lot to be desired. Much of it was very hard on the wrists.

I'm staying at New Lanark SYHA, which is part of a world heritage site - a renovated cotton mill with all the workers cottages and so on beautifully restored.

Shorter ride up to Stirling tomorrow.

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