
By 42


OK - gents if you are offended by your better half's obsession with bags then look away now.

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Mrs 42 has admired Radley bags from afar for a looong time. So last week when she told me she was looking for a work bag (Mrs 42 is a primary school teacher) and came home with a monstrous (cheap) bag from Debenhams, I told her what I thought. And got a telling off for being so opinionated.

Having offered my opinion, I felt bad about not being constructive, so I took a trip to Frasers the next day and found a Radley bag in the sale I thought she might like and then left it under her pillow so she got a suprise that night.

I've never seen Mrs 42 speechless (and those of you who know her, will know what I mean). Result ;-)

Edit - just thought this probably qualifies as non-essential. Certainly in my book. Tagged.

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LOTD: NH's pegs and socks has great patterns, texture and DOF.

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