
By meles

Fight! Fight!

An otherwise humdrum day was pleasantly broken up by a small (but perfectly formed, of course!) lunchtime blipmeet at Thomsons Bar. Gosh, that Hophead beer was nice.

Later we strolled over the Water of Leith to meet our friend John at his hotel and accompany him to the Vaults for a meal and a dram. But as we crossed we saw the swan family with father swan behaving in a very strange manner. Wings curved upwards, neck laid back, powering through the water at an extraordinary pace. Then we saw the object of his fury - another adult swan, presumably male. The intruder sensibly took to the air and flew off; but then circled round, flew overhead and went on to land beyond the bridge. Father swan was having none of it; he resumed his threatening posture and churned up stream passing under the bridge and then heading for the visitor. This is a very poor photo, but it's the only one I managed to get with both swans visible; and the tremendous wake he's throwing up gives some idea of the speed with which he was churning through the water.

The four half-grown cygnets were watching all this with great attention.

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