
By Barking

Follow the leader

I've lost my voice! I'm sure I had it at the weekend but now it's gone. Canterbury has been enjoying a very quiet couple of days, as have my colleagues.

It wouldn't be so bad if:

a. I wasn't a teacher (Languages at that!)
b. I didn't like to talk so much
c. I didn't have this annoying sore throat to go with it.

I'm not sick you understand, just speechless.

I saw this little group this morning at about 6.30. The light was fantastic and they were puddling around in a wee boggy patch on the park across the way. They let me take a few photos and then Mum decided that the risk I posed was too great. Off they set, waddling across the dewy grass. Granted, not a great photo technically, but oh so cute and I do believe, fitting of the assignment this week.

This Stormy sky is fantastic.

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