Dutch Skies

By RonBuist


It has been a slow Saturday. Vague plans I had about going places to take pictures never materialized. Mostly because of the weather but also because the plans were just too vague to begin with.

Nienke and Inge were enjoying themselves without much help from their parents. They spent almost the entire day playing with their friend who lives in our street. This meant I ended up being with Ellis for quite some time. Not that I'm complaining; she's lots of fun to be with and today was no exception.

This shot was taken while she was enjoying her breakfast. Or rather, Inge's breakfast... Her own breakfast just wasn't enough :-)

I think I can officially say that the new lens and I are getting along quite nicely. I'm afraid I will bore you with portrait after portrait for days to come. Until November 8 that is, because then the landscape photography course that I signed up for starts. Looking forward to that already!

Some blip rejects, not surprisingly also with Ellis in them:

* Ellis watching Dora the Explorer.
* Standing her ground.

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