Pieces of a Jigsaw Puzzle

By szahra

My Moments # 7

I have already written 6 episodes in this series: My Moments # 1, My Moments # 2, My Moments # 3, My Moments # 4, My Moments # 5 and My Moments # 6. I had a bad feeling I will be blipping books for this series, but I managed to find an old bag full of old and broken toys and lego pieces. So, I decided to blip it.

I also had expected to finish this series before my 30th birthday, but my pace is slow and I dont think I will be able to complete the series before then. I am still writing about Kharian and there is so much to write. I turn 30 in exactly two weeks on the 13th of November. I should try to be faster that I am.

I remember the times when we used to go for a walk as a family. My mother and father used to walk side by side with Hajra in the pram, Safee and I skipping and hopping along. Sometimes, Safee used to ask Abba to let him ride on his shoulders. There was a military tank placed at the entrance of the Kharian Cantonment, which used to fascinate us alot. Once we used to reach that tank, we always wanted to go inside the tank and play and we normally did.

My parents have been fond of shopping together for household goods and they have collected some amazing crockery and utensils over time from all over the country and some from abroad as well. They used to visit a small gift shop located in the Kharian Club and browse their collection. They had a small but impressive collection of crockery, silverware and other household goods. I remember going to that shop and being impressed by such artifacts. I still remember my parents buying Queen Anne serving dishes. I loved them and we still have them.

I think I have already mentioned in one of my previous blips that my mother used to stitch clothes for us. Not just any clothes but the ones we liked and wanted. I once asked my mom for a fairy dress which should have puffed sleeves and which should swirl when I move around in a circle. By this time Hajra had started walking so we both got dresses the fabric of which was white and it had pink and silver stars on it. The dress was like that of a princess from the fairy tales with puffed sleeves. I then used to go to the lawn with Hajra and we both used to swirl round and round like fairies.

Then there were times when our birthdays were celebrated. We used to have big cakes shaped like our favorite cartoon character, lots of party decorations, snacks, friends and ofcourse lots of gifts. My grandmother and the rest of family used to come to visit us from Lahore on our birthday's. I don't remember much about the parties except for playing lots of games specially musical chairs which was a must for birthday parties.

Now my mother's family moved to the USA in the mid-80's and before they moved, they used to visit us in Kharian. Once I was playing brides with my cousin Amna, without even realizing that we are being watched by her parents. Not only watched but also our video was being recorded by them. I was so embarrassed that I wanted to run away somewhere never to return. I never got to see that video and I am glad I did not.

As there are many artists in the family, I was always fond of art and used to draw sometimes too. Once my uncle (father's late elder brother) came to visit us with his family. His daughter is an Artist and she drew pastel drawings of me, my brother and my father. I remember posing for her and remember my anxiety at how the picture might come out. I distinctly remember wearing a red dress with while polka dots.

Once during our time at Kharian, we went to Karachi to stay with my aunt (father's sister), whose husband was in Citibank and was posted there. They had the most amazing house near the beach. I have some amazing memories from that trip. Staying up late and watching Disney's sleeping Beauty over and over again. Drinking a green colored fizzy drink called Pakola. It was my favorite and was not available anywhere else in Pakistan at that time. Once my uncle pegged a yellow colored tent in his lawn for us and we used to play in that tent for hours at end. Then we used to go to the beach, play there and ride the camels. It was during that visit that we went crabbing. Everybody goes on a boat in the sea, catch crabs and cooks them on the boat. I remember not liking the crabs dying ad then being cooked and shelled. I preferred to eat something else. I have been to Karachi after that, but I never wanted to go crabbing again. At the end of the trip, we got new toys. Safee got a toy fire engine and I got a toy sewing machine which used to stitch real doll clothes :)

I am trying to recollect some memories which are escaping me right now. In the next episode, I will conclude my memories of Kharian and move on to the next phase.

Thankyou to all of those who have been following my memoirs till now. Means alot to me.

Till next time ...

P.S. A bundle of thanks for your concern about my mom. She is doing absolutely fine. Also, apologies for not commenting lately. Badly tied up. I will catch up soon.

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