urbex corridor

sorry but after typing out a mini-essay I eventually clicked on 'preview' only for blip to bluddy LOSE all the text I'd typed because I'd been timed out. Think I'm gonna go back to using Safari again because at least that used to let me do a backclick if ever such a thing happened (unlike firefox or camino).

This is a pic of one of the ground floor corridors inside Denbigh Asylum, an old abandoned Victorian mental hospital and Grade 1 listed building that is rapidly falling into ruin and a place that I've been aching to photoblip since getting a taste for abandoned places back then. It's up for demolition sometime soonish and will no doubt escape preservation-of-sorts due to some misfortunate accident involving a wayward bulldozer and ill-copied plans, which is a crying and disgusting shame when you consider the imposing beauty of the place and the fact that it is such a landmark of local and social history and one of the most architecturally fantabulous places I've ever clocked eyes on.

The whole experience was a tad eerie to say the least and we (I went with my good friend and ex-blipper dirtmonkey) didn't take many photos considering we were in there for nigh-on 3 hours. We only covered around one eighth of the ground floor but apart from being in no rush we also seemed to spend forever and an age crapping ourselves in the dark shadows at the slightest noise or hint of a security guard footstep (and when I heard the first few bars from Fur Elise being whisperywhistled behind me near the kitchens (not a stones throw from the morgue) I did do a silent prayer for my mum to be with me, I have to say). We got as far as the main entertainment hall, it's old stage echoing our footsteps around the vast space to an audience of nothingness. At which point we thought we heard footsteps so retraceyfootstepped our way back to the start.

And back home to our mums.

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