Northern Exposure

By Northern

Here it comes...!

Finally we got some snow. Wet, sleety snow but snow all the same. Plus that horrible painful hail that drives into your skull. It didn't stay around for any time, mainly due to the driving wind blowing it out to sea. This pic was taken a few minutes before a heavy shower hit the island.

In between the showers the sun shone fiercely. The combination made for some wonderful skies. This one made the words Toto, I've got a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore, pop into my head. But the house held on and I'm still here.

I also made a discovery, if you shoot through a slighlty steamed up window you get an almost watercolour feel to your pics. Everything was slightly soft and blurred but in focus at the same time. Not sure you'll see it at this size but I quite liked it. It seemed to fit with the subject.

Same view different day.

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