Floating Weeds

By floatingweeds

Green! Sourdough. Birthday Wishes.

Even though the green blouse I bought today still reeked of charity-shop, I just couldn't resist wearing it out this evening........between it and the fishy platter I had for my tea, I must have been pretty ripe to anyone standing too close! I also found a lovey blue and white enamel container which now contains my spelt muesli. I have been told I must stop talking so much about my breakfast......I am a breakfast-bore, so that's all I will say on the matter.

Other news! The bakery at work have been experimenting with sourdough - the bakery workshop leader very kindly gave me a loaf to try.....mmmmmm, smells great, and who would have guessed it - it's even more delicious toasted!?!!

The aforementioned evening out at The Caley Sample Rooms was a joy! I had a great conversation about milk (inspired by Radio 4's food programme), and an embarrasing moment involving someone's brother and my so-called friends landing me in it....;)

FINALLY, It's me mams birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOTHER! She lives in Wales, so I have to shout x

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