Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Christmas Day Walk

I mentioned yesterday that our usually modest Christmas plans have had to be further curtailed due to illness. So on Christmas morning instead of heading to Ingleborough, we walked from home to Jen and Pete's in the next village along Goit Stock so that we could open our presents. It was a beautiful walk, cold in the valley bottom with lots of ice in the stream. This is Tony at Goit Stock waterfall recreating (well almost!) his lifeturns pose except last time he was on top of the waterfall - a bit too dodgy for doing that today! I thought he looked more like a Monty Python version of Rodin's Thinker so he's taken his bat home upstairs.
Pete is also suffering with flu but hopefully on the mend, so we didn't stay too long but enjoyed delicious cheesy puffs (a family tradition) and steaming mugs of tea before heading home across the moor.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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