The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

Kampala traffic warden

1" Traffic warden stops our side of the road
5" Traffic warden starts texting on her mobile
10" Traffic warden starts calling her mother
20" Traffic warden gets mad at another driver trying to get passed the now very long line of waiting cars behind us
30" Traffic warden walks of and asks police guy to take over
40" Other military guy realizes we are there for 40 minutes and lets us through

Well, at least Kampala is the safest place to be these days. After the bombings at the World Cup finals and the African Union meeting coming up, you can't enter any public place without passing metal detectors and/or officials searching you and/or your vehicle.

Kampala traffic is an adventure. If you drive like you do at home you probably end up less than 500m from your starting point or folded around the front of another car. Ugandan drivers are just plain mental, taking over in blind corners and with lots of oncoming traffic, wearing headlights only in the utter darkness, driving the opposite way on a one-way street, using at least 5 lanes on a 2-lane road, steering their vehicles on the road without any notice or use of blinkers at the exact moment when you are passing, passing on your left if you think there is no road left on that side, etcetera. And that is without mentioning the dreadful state of most roads adding to those horrors. Still, I would advice anyone to do the same!

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