Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Frosty Moss

No.4 In a Short Impromptu Series :)

What a difference a day makes. After the deluge which was yesterday, today dawned bright, crisp and clear. Makes your heart lift, even if it is short lived.

As I was working from home today, I was able to nip out this morning to the garden while the temperature was hovering around zero and catch the overnight frost on the moss before the warmth of the sun melted it away. I would like to state for the record that this was NOT my first waking thought ;)

I kind of liked the mix of the frosty bits on the base of the moss and the drops of moisture on the taller stems. Thanks once again to Mollyblobs for identifying last nights moss.

Highlight of the day - well, perhaps that is still to come! I did however tick a few things of my to do list and spent some money from the special day fund on (a whole £50) towards the provision of musical entertainment. Just hope that the one I have chosen will make a good job of it and that the teeth whistling noise he makes on the phone does not transfer to the mic on the day!

I think an evening chilling in front of the TV is called for.

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