
By Appreciation

Beauty and the.......

In stark contrast to yesterday, we have the faces that only a mother could love.

I wanted, as part of The Exchange, to try out beach/snow mode. Realising that Fireworks mode (Friday) gave a long, slow shutter speed, I thought Beach/Snow would allow a quick shutter speed and therefore not allow too much glare from the sun to enter the lens. I tried shooting up straight into the light. I know it means there are lots of shadows on my darling's faces but it has worked. Well Done little Coolpix, you are cleverer than I first gave you credit for. In fact I am begining to Love you.

As for Mother's Day, this is what it's all about for me. If it wasn't for these two loathesome little blighters, it would be a day which meant nothing to me. As it is I don't like the commercialism attached to it and only ever ask for a handmade card. Which I always receive. So beautiful. I love my children dearly and my goodness me do they Love their Mother. They know she spoils them rotten and that's just how they like it.

Today my boy and I made goal posts from the wood I have lying around. I did suggest this was a Father and Son job, Cutting, Nailing feeling the grain. He laughed and said 'No, you're alright, Dad would be swearing at me and gone off in a huff by now'.... you know, he is right, he knows his father so well. He must be My Boy after all.

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