
By nameiwantstaken

My newest edition- Nuthatch

I started collecting the RSPB pin badges you can get from shops, restaurants, garden centres and reserves a few years ago. I always tried to get wildlife I really liked or a new species I had seen on the day.

A few months ago I bought a map of the UK and mounted it on cardboard. I stick in badges where I saw the species.

For example, when I went to Nethy Bridge, Scotland last year I bought a Crested Tit, Pine Marten, Scottish Crossbill etc and added them to the map.

Norfolk, the Yorkshire coast and the Lake District are a few of the areas covered.

I am going to do a similar thing with an ordnance survey map of my local area. I'll be able to add annotations etc onto it too.

This badge is stuck into Wentworth, where I saw my first Nuthatches a few years ago.

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