
By nameiwantstaken


Today was the last day for me in Kirk Balk school. Some parts of the school are 80 years old! We move into the new, modern, £30 million (!) build after the Easter holidays.

I think its quite sad actually- 80 years of History that will just be bulldozed over.

Im worried that bats are roosting in the school, and that the builders etc haven't done enough to check for bats. I took my bat detector round school today but didn't find anything conclusive, though I did find several grease stains on the walls which could be caused by bats.

Also, i've seen several nests both in holes in the walls of the school and in trees in the grounds, and thats without even purposefully looking. Im trying to find out more about how thoroughly demolition companies have to check for nests and bat roosts and how thoroughly they have, or are going to check.

I'll update you with my progress on here and Twitter (@nameiwanstaken) and if you can help please do.

P.S- These are the two logos during my time at Kirkbalk- the first being the older one, the second being the new "community college" one.

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