Club 107

By club107

Eschering in a new era, quite literally

After the riotous excitement that was yesterday, there was an inevitable backlash. Unfortunately, #1son had a very bad 'rest of day' clearly unhappy that he could not personally take issue with the journalist, he decided to take it out on the rest of the world. So croup was kind of like the rest of the day and evening come to that.

The girls were at friends for a sleepover yesterday and when I went to pick them up they were looking at frogs, all looked very exciting and the chat afterwards was not the if we can get some sort of pond but when.

#1son back to see the same doctor, it is a waiting game, so they say, normally one which lasts roughly 6 days. By my calculation we are on day 5 therefore looking forward to Sunday.

So this is the final day of the holiday though unfortunately it has been anything but a holiday which is a shame, but if I'm honest, the first time we have had one dictated by one of the family being ill, there will be other holidays, in fact this is praying on all our minds, we are mentally preparing already.

Tonight I had an appointment with someone very closely tied to me starting this blipping. So I'm all set for the elections, where I bumped into EcoDad, who gave me a card, and yep nearly a year later still not a member, might try to rectify that this weekend. I tell you I should have just given Joe or G some dosh yesterday, it would have bene so much simpler.


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