
Spent an hour or so wandering around Kirkwall taking reference pics for a project I'm working on at the moment. Not that it needed to be in the rain you understand, I just happened to have an hour or so to kill before meeting a friend for lunch and thought I'd make good use of it. I actually hadn't realised it was so damn wet. It was that kind of rain that just gently soaks through everything and takes you by surprise.

This gull was paddling around at the end of the slip in the Basin (the middle bit and I assume the oldest bit of the harbour) and I thought he looked as if he was walking backwards and forwards in the shallows kicking his feet and muttering grumpily to himself. I wonder if seabirds get fed up with the rain too?

I came home to a house that was warm and toastie as our wonderful heating man had been in my absence and got it all fixed. The perfect antidote to a damp morning.

Smell Diary

I could smell the sawdust in our shed today.

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