Dear Heart

By dearheart

Pursued by thunder and lightning

Dear Heart,
Rain today. Real rain. The kind that simultaneously soothes and scares you. Pippin and I had just settled down to some serious essay writing when the sky turned very dark; the onset of evening, as it seemed to me then.
And then it fell on the roof in sheets; knocking at the windows; clawing at the doors. I rushed outside to rescue Sully in my boots and kagoul (standard clothing for the Welsh) and within half a second I was drenched through to my underwear!
I felt like Colonel Brandon, frantically searching for Marianne. It was so impossibly dark and his brown had blended into the green so well, I found myself calling "Sully! Where are you?", as if the petrified tortoise would hear my mother-calls and peek out from underneath his shell crying, "Here! I knew you would come for me!"
It made a fantastic anecdote to greet the weary travellers upon their return home from school.
Love, Lydia x

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