Five things

By fivethings

Swedish Fish

1. I start work at 10 and the overpowering feeling of achievement (smuggery) when I actually do something useful beforehand is quite something.

2. I go to the West End for a meeting at Toads Caravan and have a fleeting wish to work in a design studio in a mews tucked behind byres road. It passes though.

3. It's a very sweet day today. Gareth has returned from the States laden with sweets - every I leave the room I ram a Swedish fish or Jolly Rancher into my gub. I also buy a cake-pop for the first time, which goes down a treat.

4. In response to my frequent childhood cries of 'I'm bored', my parents would, without fail, tell me 'there's no such thing as bored, just boring people'. This comes back to me today as I head home feeling a little bit bored of my forthcoming evening and absolutely sure it's because my parents were right - I'm just boring. Slightly irked by this distant insult, I dig out a project I've been meaning to start for ages.

5. These two kitchen chairs have been in my family for as long as I can remember. I don't suppose there's anything special about them, I just really like their shape. In my memory they've been white, blue and brown and I am preparing to change them again. Colin recoils in horror filmy style shock every time I mention that I think they should be bright pink. But I think they should be bright pink.

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