a town called E.

By Eej

479. An unexpected guest.

Shortly after I came home, the doorbell rang. "Are you expecting anyone?" I asked the Beloved who was getting ready to go to work. He shook his head. The doorbell rang again. Whoever was there was obviously not a very patient person. Or, maybe they just REALLY wanted to see us?
I ran upstairs and to the front door, trying to not fall over here, there and everywhere cats.
The person outside had by now resorted to banging his fists on the door. "Oh come ON", I said, "hold your horses!" while flinging the door open, ready to admonish the impatient pillock some more.

It was Laurence Blipton.

Now, when I heard Laurence wanted my address to send me something, there was a fleeting thought about how he'd better not ship himself! Clearly I know the man, because that's exactly what he did.
But ooooooh, was I happy to see him! How could I not?
We've already made plans to introduce him to the Squire, and we'll hit the town in our matching I <3<3 the Bliptons shirts, but for now, he needs sleep.
It's been a long and lonely week in his box across the ocean.

Shut up, Lar, I'm typing! No, I don't want to go brass-rubbing. Go to sleep!

We're going to have so much fun!

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