hello again

By admirer


to go to the Gemeentemuseum by bike.I think it is a great idea to see, before leaving tomorrow, the James Ensor exhibition. I was an admirer when I discovered being 20 years old his paintings. My idea is to be there at 10 a.m. I was there and consulted the opening hours. I could have done that (better) yesterday or this very morning but didn't.
Opening at 11 a.m. I have then one hour to go round and round, perhaps a nice architectural blip? Het Haags Gemeentemuseum is the last building (1931-35) of the dutch architect Berlage. Famous of course but for me not really inspiring for a photo. The style is the "Nieuwe Zakelijkheid", meaning no decoration, straight lines, it is in yellow brick and it has several ponds with straigh and round forms.
At eleven I go to the entrance and show my Museumkaart, and then I am told that it is not longer valid since january. Coming home I find out that she was right about it and so I have something to look forward in june.
But I have my blip found in the foreground of the museum, and that a miracle with the ever grey sky.

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