Music to my eyes

I hear like you see -- like that hummingbird outside that window for instance.
Ray Charles

This gentleman on the make is the only bright light outside the window. He's a bit puffed out in the wet cool weather. Horribly damp, showers, thunder later, dismal in a word. Later today it's the preparation for tomorrow's Garden Club plant sale. It will be a muddy and wet mess in the hall where we hold it after the Boy Scouts help us carry all the donated plants up the stairs and onto tables and tarps. Most of us are not so limber, so the digging and prep for this sale is more dreaded each year. The able-bodied Boy Scouts are a rather new addition, and necessary.

My Garden Club photo presentation was a success and I'm selling some photo-cards at the sale tomorrow with proceeds to benefit the club. I have to say, I find the quality of images from digital projectors to be substandard. I borrowed one and really thought my images suffered greatly in color and crispness. The old days of well projected 35 mm slides, now that was quality. I suppose if you have a big bag of money you can buy a projector that is swell, but that's not a reality here. There's a flat screen at the hall we rent for the meetings, I think I'd put images on a DVD if ever asked again. The audience didn't seem to notice, but I did and wished for the quality of my beautifully calibrated iMac screen.

Remember, this Ruby Throat is only as big as my thumb.

Yesterday's sparrow

For the Record,

This day came in damp and foggy with a persistent drizzle. 54 degrees, 96% Humidity at 7AM, barometer, falling.

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