Was it today the world is ending?? I'm not so sceptical now - an ark might well be necessary - it is torrential, grey, cold and windy - oh and we've had a bit of thunder. Too horrible to even pop outside for a blip so you're having to make do with a bit of stained glass that's hanging in the conservatory. it is glass that I've made though so it's quite special. If you remember, we all made individual pieces as well as group panels when the glass ladies came - and this is mine! I layered small slivers of glass, exquisitely chosen and fabulously arranged, and then it was fused in a kiln. The only brightness around today.

Still, no excuse not to to do the cleaning so I've been virtuous. Now I have to go an make a blackcurrant crumble - using my own blackcurrants from last year so hope they're still okay - as we're off out tonight and that is my offering.

Hope to see you all tomorrow !!!

PS I shall probably be one of the first to be blasted. Do you remember the guy that use to go around in London (well one or two people might) with a sign denouncing the evils of lentils!!!! Apparently they make you instant sinners, far too lust-inducing - well I eat a lot of lentils, so there's no hope.

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