Five things

By fivethings

Not bad

1. It feels like it's been a very long weekend and that a holiday's been had.

2. I meet Karen after work in a place called the Bath Street Pony for a quick bite to eat and a couple of glasses of red. It's good to get a catch up. We are both working on projects that are keeping us up at night so we compare notes.

3. Back to All the Young Nudes for the first drawing class since February. I am no better, in fact I might be worse. Some times I just can't do it. The music is great tonight.

4. Home and Colin is busy finding a place for the photograph that he bought at the weekend. It's tough as most of the wall space is being used, but a spot is found and Laurel and Hardy style picture hanging skills ensue.

5. Normally Tuesdays are rubbish, but aside from the icy rain and howling wind, endless lists of jobs to do, today was alright. Not bad for a Tuesday.

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