
By jkj10

LuLu with my Yellow Roses

Back in London after a rather perfect half term week. Had a very funny interaction with a young Roma body builder at the Maningtree petrol station who I photographed but that story will have to wait till tomorrow. I must get the uniforms washed and pressed before reality tomorrow.

I had to bite my tongue today while photographing Miss Lucy. She wanted me to know that she had to be careful in photographs because her legs could appear quite 'big' and didn't I think she looked too pale? I looked at her beautiful coltish limbs and her youthful gorgeous face and had to suppress a laugh. I can remember standing in front of my Mother aged fifteen grabbing up a tiny bit of flesh on the outside of my thighs and trying to get her to agree that my flesh was indeed grotesque , that my skin was too white, too flabby. I can remember her look of resignation. She said "there is no use hating it while you have it and missing it when it is gone. Love your young body if you can." I thought she didn't have a clue. She was wiser then I knew.

Is it possible that women are genetically programmed to dislike their thighs?

Sub sunday, Way of Life. Superb images from Japan.

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