
By MallyC

Me and My Shadow...for Rona

Hi Rona

Was thinking of you today when my Alfa B.... took me for a walk in the sun. I do love a good walk but lately I have been feeling a bit neglected and have not been getting enough walks.

I do not know why we had to stop for yet another photo but if that is what it takes to get some exercise then I am all for it!!

My Alfa B has been barking quite loudly and very noisily for the past few days. She never gets told off either....not like I do when I bark inside... and she even barks in bed which is very disturbing. I love a good nights sleep but for the past few nights it has been bark, bark, toss, toss, in and out of bed for a drink then to sit upon the little white chair in the little room and then back to bed where I just get settled and low and behold it all starts again........Jeez can't a dog get a break occasionally!!!!!

I have admired many of the images your Alpha couple post on this site. Your so cute and you get lots of walks every day!! What's your secret?
Hope you think of me fondly......


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