Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer


I've decided to use my mannequins in as many of my blips as possible, somehow tying in with the journal entry for the day, and finding some suitable song lyrics to finish with. I think that's a good challenge to set myself. And hopefully those of you who stumble across my blips, or subscribe, will enjoy some (hopefully) good photography, learn a little about the way I see the world, and let me know what you think.

It's been a day of nothing being what it seemed. Quite surreal, really.
I had a session with my physical terrorist physiotherapist today, which is always agony, and I usually leave having just fulfilled my monthly quota for profanity usage in less than an hour... The cold isn't helping my shoulder any, but for some reason, the session wasn't painful today... I could hardly feel it. Which led to only dropping 10 expletives in 40 minutes. Weird.
It was a beautifully deceptive day. Or deceptively beautiful. Either/or. Suit yourself. It was sunny outside... There was a gentle breeze, few clouds, and bird were twittering (vocally, not using the social networking site... But that would make for a very amusing photo) happily. It LOOKED like a glorious late spring day, and I was lulled into a false sense of security by that. Went outside in just jeans, a light shirt and a jacket... BAM, instant frostbite. Hurry back inside, layer up, put warmer shoes on, grab scarf. Go outside. Stay in the sun for a few minutes, and I felt the need to start stripping off again because the sun did have some kick to it... Take off the scarf though, and BAM... Frostbite again. Weird.
Dealing with a hell bitch real estate agent who is screwing around with us... But she was nice today. Weird.
Master four year old wanting to go straight to bed instead of having dinner. Weird.

So, during the time I was at home today, I found myself just staring out the window, seeing everything and nothing at the same time. Thinking about this and that, and nothing in particular. Nothing positive, nothing negative. Just thoughts. Thoughts about thoughts.
That is why I chose this photo. Who knows what my mannequin is looking at, or what he's thinking about. But he is completely lost in whatever thoughts he's having, as I was with mine.

"Because, the fact being that
Whatever is in front of me is colouring my view.
So I can't see what I'm seeing, in fact,
I only see what I'm looking through."
~ Window - Fiona Apple

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