
Well, I fully intended to head over to Mary Bridget's today but got totally distracted by the mad skies! I have been in and out of the car like a yoyo today - it has been bright and windy with the most incredible clouds. I've taken about 100 images throughout the day - starting with views across the bay at 8.30am whilst waiting for the walking bus clients. After work I had to go into Bantry and went across the bog road which takes you over the mountain. I stopped three times going up the hill, then parked on the summit and gasped in every direction. I then went over the mountain and stopped another two times looking out across Bantry Bay to the Beara Peninsula. I lunched with friends, did a spot of shopping, returned home and it was still amazing. The colours of the skies and the sea were so vibrant and every changing. This image was taken at the top of the mountain looking south with me crouching in a ditch - or dyke as they're known here. Ditches are hedges. Now it's getting confusing.

That's me done for the week and only one week to go till the end of term!! I may not have a job in September. All children with special needs are having their support cut by 10%. All part time special needs teachers (me included) are going, to be replaced by one full time teacher who will be based at a 'big' school and smaller schools have to apply for hours. This means the teacher could be travelling to as many as five schools - travel time having to come out of the children's hours. My head teacher has so far spent about 6 hours trying to sort this out - she has rang 7 schools and none have spare hours. Technically this means I could still be employed but wont know until September - very cunning this as it means they don't have to pay me over the summer. It is a right mess, rushed through at the end of the year hoping no-one will notice, very poorly thought out and will actually cost the Department of Education a lot more in the long run. Now I'm off to see what Lovesnothing has to say in his manifesto -education is today's hot topic!!

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