
By justbrian

Soggy !!

Well today it has rained persistently in Newcastle, I thought my chances of a blip would fade but I was saved by the female Blackbird, I've blipped her before quite recently, she has chicks to feed, they're somewhere in the Beech hedge in my back garden, she's been devouring Meal worms like they were going out of fashion.

Work today was quiet.

I hope that I gave managed to catch up with all of your comments. There are over 120 of you I need to catch up with, if I don't do it straight away I will get around to it.

Thanks for all of the positive things said about yesterdays blip, I appreciate it very much, it makes it worthwhile posting a blip.

I'd encourage you too to have a look at this, it just goes to show that a great blip can be had from right in your back garden.


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